You can make a quick one-off comment without joining the community or you can join the community and start commenting and collaborating.
# Comment quickly without joining
If you only want to quickly leave a one-off comment without joining the community, you can do it via this google doc and I will include it in this wiki myself. Otherwise ...
# Join the community and comment
This space is powered by the Federated Wiki that enables unprecedented ways to collaborate, think collectively, and co-create new ideas online. A new function that enables new behaviours that can lead to change.
We are early-adopters of this cutting-edge platform, so getting started requires some extra steps until more features will be added.
# Quick Instructions
To add a comment to a page in the federated wiki, you first need to get in touch with me to welcome you to this community. And then you copy (fork) that page into your wiki space and add the comment to that copy.
You can contact me (see my contacts here Luca Minudel) and will help you with the initial steps and welcome you to this wiki.
After that, to add your comment you can continue with the following steps.
1) Drag & Drop the page you want to comment, from the flag at top of the page next to the title, into the browser tab of your new wiki space.
2) Then to copy the page in your wiki space, click the Fork Button [⚑] in the Journal in the right corner at the bottom of the page,
3) Add your comment by clicking the Add Paragraphs button [+] also in the Journal in the right corner at the bottom of the page.
4) Then double-click the grey area to open the text editor where you can type your comment. Press Esc or Alt/cmd-s to save.
After that you will see in your wiki where there are new versions of the page you commented, that may potentially contain an answer or may incorporate the suggestions you have made.