Agile Theatre v3
# Agile Theatre
Imitation is a common strategy to learn something new. It starts with imitating the most visible exterior traits. And it continues by comparing results produced with those expected, giving a start to a trial-and-error learning process. Sometimes tho' the learning process stops there just after it has started. Other times the model to imitate is itself a shallow imitation lacking depth, substance, and mastery.
A shallow imitation can be also the result of a performative act as a response to an imposition. After all, learning can only be volunteered, not conscripted.
# Masterful Practice
A masterful practice of Agile results in successfully achieving outcomes that fulfil complex customers' needs or wants, in a timely, repeatable, and sustainable manner. Delighting the customers, benefitting the business in tangible and lasting ways, and employing ways of working that those doing the work find effective and desirable for themselves.
A masterful practice of Agile comes also with the ability to maintain such a level of performance in the face of unforeseen changes in the circumstances. It requires an ability to effect, cope, as well as to exploit the unexpected, and recover from or adjust to misfortune, damage, or destabilizing perturbations.
## See Also - Agile Theatre